Energy Star Certification for Your Building

Energy Star Certification for Your Building

Energy Star Certification has been around for a while… I know you’ve seen the labels on your washing machine and refrigerator. But do you realize that your building can receive an Energy Star certification as well? When a building becomes Energy Star certified, it has an Energy Star score of 75 or better. The EPA Energy Star scale goes from 1-100, with 100 being the best. A score of 75 means that your building is protecting the environment and saving energy better than 75 percent of similar buildings in the U.S. This certification is awarded yearly, so your building must

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Building Engineers – Get Help When You Need It!

Building Engineers – Get Help When You Need It!

With warm weather coming to Washington, DC, building engineers will plan vacations. They might want time off to spend with family and friends. If they haven’t already, the time off requests will likely start rolling in any day now. When you work in commercial real estate with a building engineering and maintenance staff, scheduling can be difficult. You might not be able  to honor all time-off requests. If you know you’ll be short-staffed, you may tell someone that you can’t give them their requested days. This can put you in a tight spot. You can’t run your building without an

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Can Your Building Engineer Do It All?

Can Your Building Engineer Do It All?

Whether you’re a commercial building owner or a property management firm, you’re going to need a dependable, experienced building engineer. This key team member is responsible for the seamless operation of your building or facility. Have you had trouble finding the right person to fill these work boots? Let’s review hiring options that might help you run your buildings with ease. Have Your Building Engineer Vetted for You When you hire an engineer through standard practices, it’s hard to know what you might find in a person. When our staffing company, BMSI, sends an engineer to you, we have thoroughly

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Pro Tips – Commercial Real Estate Investors

Pro Tips - Commercial Real Estate Investors

When you invest in your first commercial property, you may find your task list overwhelming. As Commerical Real Estate Investors, you’ll enjoy the income potential, steady cash flow, and low vacancy rates, but where can you turn for help? When you need help managing and maintaining your property, turn to the experts for the help you need. Here’s what you’ll need to consider. Building Management for Commercial Real Estate Investors As an investor in commercial real estate property, there will be plenty to do. You’ll need to focus on big-picture priorities. Partner with a specialist company who can take care

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